Friday, 26 March 2010

Yedid Nefesh

O Beloved of the soul! O Merciful Father! Draw me, your slave, toward your will; your slave will run like a gazelle to prostrate himself before your splendor. Your companionship will be as pleasing to him as honey and nectar and every good savor.

O Most Splendid! O Light of the World! My soul is ill from love of you. Please, my God, please heal her by showing her the beauty of your light. Then she will be strengthened, and she will be healed, and she will have eternal joy.

O Most Faithful! Arouse your mercy! Have pity on your beloved child, for how much,­ how much ­have I longed to gaze upon your mighty splendor. Only this my heart desired: have pity and do not conceal Yourself.

Be revealed, my Beloved, and spread the canopy of your peace over me. Illumine the earth with your glory; we will rejoice and be glad in you. Hurry, Beloved, for the time has come. Be gracious to us as in the days of old.

(rabbi Elazar Azikri, 1533-1600)

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